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It's Time to Become an

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Motivational Speaking Tori Stevens
  • Connection and networking typically happen from a VERTICAL perspective, with something in common like your industry, roles, mission, gender, etc.


  • It's time to expand our networks of other growth mindset individuals — Evolvers — who want to connect, network, and grow from a HORIZONTAL perspective


  • Meet Evolver — a Peer to Peer CAREER Growth Experience!


  • Meet other humans who have great energy, thrive under accountability, and want to be open doors for others!


  • Evolver is an in-person and online platform for ALL humans no matter where you reside within the United States or world!

This is your opportunity to invest in yourself TODAY so your FUTURE can show up for you.

Evolver is the opportunity to solidify that who you are from a character, traits, skills, and qualities perspective is absolutely needed in this world and this is the space that wants to empower, embrace, and honor who you authentically are.

Like Attracts Like

When we play the long term versus short term game of building connections with individuals we open up the door for endless possibilities to occur because we are not attached to a specific end outcome. This experience will lead to new friends, careers, hobbies, thoughts, and opportunities in ways you've never dreamed up.


Rapport building, knowledge sharing, listening, and growing are the tools within yourself you will expand because of this experience!

Group coaching Tori Stevens Evolyoution
Tori Stevens Logo 2 Evolyoution

What's included:

  • Monthly Zoom Sessions


  • Monthly In- person connects


  • Discounts for Evolver retreats & conferences


  • Evolver Swag


  • Peer to Peer Engagement & Networking Opportunities


  • Facebook community


  • Custom newsletter with resources and pep talks


  • Diverse speakers & resources



,   it's time to join!

Boats and Coaching Motivational Speaker

Listen to your life like your future depends on it

It is an active choice to continue to pay attention to when your life is speaking to you.

Intangible skills lead to tangible outcomes

Your internal self recognizes your worth which allows external situations to show up that are naturally aligned to the life you want to live.

client consultation motivational speaking
self discovery coach

People only know what you tell them

Own yourself through your thoughts, words, and actions.

Assumptions, judgements, & expectations will burden

It is an active choice to continue to pay attention to when your life is speaking to you.

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Be the narrator of your life

You are the storyteller of life; write your legacy by getting in the arena and doing the work to ensure the quality of your story.

Practice makes trust

Stay accountable to yourself by trusting the process you feel within you through creating moments of opportunity to practice.

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Be present today for your future to show up

The color of your life is in the present moment where you can see, hear and engage with it NOW.

Ask thought provoking questions

Get curious through asking yourself and others’ elevated questions which will grant you the opportunity to understand the what, how and why or each experience.

consultant for businesses
consultant in north carolina

Let go of the need to know

Thank lessons as it’s a gift that has been given to you.

You are in the drivers seat

Choose how your life is going to operate according to your own terms.

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boats and coaching and speaking

Change will happen when you hold the space for it to occur

See the world in a different light and embrace the moments of the unknown which will lead you to your new path.

You think you know but you have no idea

Continue to invite the future in with open arms.

Talent Development Strategist


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© 2024 evolYOUtion Corporation ® | Tori Stevens | Branding + Website Swell Design.

Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

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